Contacting FoCP
If you need more information or have questions, please be in touch with us via email as follows:
For our Chair contact David Hibberd - focp.chair@gmail.com
For membership queries contact Maddie Whitty - focp.membershipsec@gmail.com
For events information contact Diana Hargrave - focp.whatson@gmail.com
For publications contact Elizabeth Fitt - focp.publishing@gmail.com
​We'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Alternatively, you can always write to us here:
Friends of Castle Park (FoCP)
c/o Maddie Whitty
43 Castle Road
Finding the park...
If you are new to Colchester, the Castle Park is easy to find! It sits in the very centre of Colchester, with its main entrance at the War Memorial at the east end of the High Street. All buses to the centre of town run along the High Street, exiting via either East Hill or Queen Street where the nearest stops to the park entrance are situated. There is accessible parking at the Castle Bailey.
You can find out more about the park here: http://www.colchestercastlepark.co.uk/